Button layout


The Button layout property defines whether an image, some text, or a combination of image and text are used for a ControlBar button.

The Button layout property

For more information on how to add built-in SVG images to a ControlBar see 'Adding a Button to a ControlBar'. The options for the Button layout property are as follows:

  • Text only

    Text only displays the button as text. The text to be displayed can be defined in the Button text property.

  • Image only

    Image only displays an image for a button. The image can be set using the 'Icon' property. There are multiple ways of defining images for a ControlBar using this property. Using SVG is highly recommended and a number of pre-built SVG icons are available if the 'Style name' property on the properties page is set to 'Alpha'. It is also possible to use system icons and project images.

  • Text followed by Image

    This option displays both text and an image on a button. The text is displayed before the image.

  • Image followed by text

    This option produces a button with both an image and text. The text is displayed after the image.

  • Image above text

    This option produces a button with an image and text. The image is displayed above the text.

  • Text above image

    This option produces a button with both an image and text. The text is displayed above the image.

  • Text left & image right

    This option produces a button with both an image and text. The text is aligned to the left side of the button. The image is aligned to the right side. This is most noticeable in wide buttons.

  • Image left & text right

    This option produces a button with both an image and text. The image is aligned to the left side of the button. The text is aligned to the right side. This is most noticeable in wide buttons.
